Sabtu, 26 Mei 2012

Happy Birthday, My Greatest Mom ! ♥

 "Her children arise up, and call her blessed." - Proverbs 31:28

There are times..
When only a Mother's love
can understand our tears,
soothe our disappointments,
and calm away our fears. 

There are times..
When only a Mother's love
can share the joy we feel,
can accompany our night and day,
and feels like the time goes by so fast.

There are times..
When only a Mother's love
can help us on life's way,
and inspire in us, the confidence
we need from day to day.
A mother is underpaid,
Does long hours and gets very little rest.
She worries too much about her children
And wants, for them, the best!

Mother, you're always with me.
You live inside my laughter.
You're the place I came from,
My first home.
You're the map I follow with every step I take.
Nothing on earth can separate us.

And wherever I go..
You can always be sure, Mom.
In spirit, you're never alone.
For where you are, is what matters,
For that's what I call "HOME"..

Mother, thank you for your heart, faith and hope,
and all your steadfast love.
You were fashioned by the Angels,
and sent from God above...

Tolong beri aku hati seperti hatimu, Mama..
Engkau mencintai tanpa syarat,
tak peduli apapun, tak peduli siapapun.

Beri aku hikmat sepertimu, Mama..
Engkau tahu segala sesuatu, besar dan kecil,
dan selalu ada untuk membantuku melalui itu semua.

Beri aku kekuatan sepertimu, Mama..
Engkau selalu mengajarku untuk mengimani segala sesuatu.
Percaya bahwa selalu ada yang indah di balik segala sesuatu.

Aku merasa diriku tak sekuat itu.
To be honest, sometimes I feel I am not that strong, God..
Tetapi doamu, Mama, selalu menguatkan hari-hariku,
dan memberikan pengharapan baru.

Beri aku sukacita sepertimu, Mama..
Ketika Engkau tersenyum, selalu memberikanku keyakinan
bahwa semuanya akan baik-baik saja,
dan semua masalahku terasa hilang untuk sementara waktu.

Beri aku kemurahan hati sepertimu, Mama..
Engkau hampir tidak pernah berpikir tentang dirimu..
Yang terpenting hanyalah kebahagiaan anak-anakmu.

Berikanlah Mama kesehatan dan umur panjang.
Berikanlah Mama sukacita dan kebahagiaan.
Jadikalah ia selalu saluran berkat bagi setiap orang.

Dengan segala yang kuminta..
Aku tahu bahwa Engkau mendengar doaku.

"Dalam setiap langkah seorang anak,
ada doa dan airmata seorang ibu.." 

You are really God's Gift!
I wish you THE BEST on your birthday!
I love you, Mom.. Mother of my heart.


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